Friday, March 7, 2014

Inserting/editing multiple items into SharePoint 2010 List at once

You cannot do if you go with traditional way of customizing SharePoint List with InfoPath 2010.

Instead you can insert multiple items into SharePoint List at once by creating the InfoPath Form from InfoPath form SharePoint List templates.

There is a very good article on this from Andrej... however, he did not explain how to edit multiple records at a time in InfoPath (other than editing in datasheet).

The requirement is I need to edit multiple records based on a parameter.
Any ideas would be appreciated on this...


  1. so did you ever get an answer? I need to know

  2. so did you ever get an answer? I need to know

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I think I had a situation where I need to pass projectid as parameter and need to edit the project id related project tasks (multiple records), as there is no way in InfoPath you can update multiple records at a time, so I did in an alternate way something like mix and match (JavaScript, SPDesigner, InfoPath)...
    When I pass a parameter in QueryString, I used to get my the respected Project record on my screen (query parameter or query web part dont remember exactly), on that record there was an ProjectTasks edit button, when user click that button, it used open a new page where ProjectTask listview is there.... on that List view I had edit buttons or add new item which used to open InfoPath form.
    Yes to update multiple records, user has to submit infopath form multiple times.
    Will update in details or fix the missing things or grammar later when i hv time.
